Most of my life I have wondered how people can have enough faith to believe in evolution with all its unanswered questions and flaws and yet think they are too wise to believe in a Creator. It is as though it takes less faith to believe an explosion occurred at an aircraft factory and all the parts, over time, magically fell into place, creating a perfect airplane, than to trust each plane has been created by an intelligent designer with a specific plan for its use.
Scientists have all but discounted completely the Primordial Soup theory. There is a huge gap in the evolutionary theory called the Cambrian Explosion. Neanderthal man and others have been fabricated primarily from scientist’s imaginations. Since the features of eyebrows, noses, lips and hair deteriorate over time, the same skull (with imagination) can be made to look like a heavy browed, hairy caveman, or with a shave, haircut and tie, like the person sitting next to you on an airline.
When the only thing taught concerning man’s origins was Creationism, Christians and teachers were called “bigots”. I wonder why it is not bigotry now to teach only Evolution. I have always wondered why our schools are not allowed to teach both Creation and Evolution and permit the students to decide which makes the most sense to them. I wonder what they are afraid of.
I have worked with animals most of my life and certainly understand “micro-evolution” in which breeding and cross breeding can change animals and/or plants over time. However, never in recorded history has there been a crossing of species which would have been absolutely necessary for the theory of evolution to be valid. God’s word says in Genesis 1:24-25 “And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so. And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
I realize this is the most controversial little book I have ever written but, like Herman, Arnold, Mary and Billy, I am very convinced we were created by a magnificent God who loves us and gives us real purpose for our existence. I know in my heart, and mind; we are not here by chance but by a wonderful design with each nut and bolt working in perfect harmony. I am always amazed when I visit my doctors and see the charts of the human body, all the muscles, the intricate detail of our eyes, our digestive system etc. and I wonder how anyone can have the faith to believe we were not designed by an amazing and very Intelligent Designer.
I hope you find this little book interesting and somewhat provocative in an elementary way and that it will open a dialogue with children and give them a choice concerning the origin and purpose of mankind.
Bill Slentz
Scientists have all but discounted completely the Primordial Soup theory. There is a huge gap in the evolutionary theory called the Cambrian Explosion. Neanderthal man and others have been fabricated primarily from scientist’s imaginations. Since the features of eyebrows, noses, lips and hair deteriorate over time, the same skull (with imagination) can be made to look like a heavy browed, hairy caveman, or with a shave, haircut and tie, like the person sitting next to you on an airline.
When the only thing taught concerning man’s origins was Creationism, Christians and teachers were called “bigots”. I wonder why it is not bigotry now to teach only Evolution. I have always wondered why our schools are not allowed to teach both Creation and Evolution and permit the students to decide which makes the most sense to them. I wonder what they are afraid of.
I have worked with animals most of my life and certainly understand “micro-evolution” in which breeding and cross breeding can change animals and/or plants over time. However, never in recorded history has there been a crossing of species which would have been absolutely necessary for the theory of evolution to be valid. God’s word says in Genesis 1:24-25 “And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so. And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
I realize this is the most controversial little book I have ever written but, like Herman, Arnold, Mary and Billy, I am very convinced we were created by a magnificent God who loves us and gives us real purpose for our existence. I know in my heart, and mind; we are not here by chance but by a wonderful design with each nut and bolt working in perfect harmony. I am always amazed when I visit my doctors and see the charts of the human body, all the muscles, the intricate detail of our eyes, our digestive system etc. and I wonder how anyone can have the faith to believe we were not designed by an amazing and very Intelligent Designer.
I hope you find this little book interesting and somewhat provocative in an elementary way and that it will open a dialogue with children and give them a choice concerning the origin and purpose of mankind.
Bill Slentz